On the Net


Bare Facts by Mobile Phone

Sexting is the dissemination of sexually explicit images of your own body. These photos, sometimes even small videos, are sent electronically, mostly via Smartphone.

Sexting is a portmanteau of the terms »sex« and »texting«. Sexting is a conscious and consensual private exchange between two people of self-produced erotic (sexy) image material via mobile messaging or Internet (mails) or "sexy" text messages (dirty talk). It is not generally forbidden to take intimate photos or videos of yourself and share them with people who have consented. In other words, sexting is legal if everyone is over 14 years old, everyone agrees and nothing is passed on to other uninvolved persons.

The problem with sexting is that you never know who the pictures you sent might be passed on to. Because once you have sent a nude photo of yourself, you no longer have any control over the photo and unfortunately you can no longer undo this process. The recipient can copy the photo, publish it online and pass it on at will. When a nude photo is passed on like this it can be unpleasant and quite embarrassing and humiliating.

When sexting you also can expect legal consequences. Because producing, possessing and passing on photos or videos showing sexual acts, genitals or the buttocks of children, i.e. persons under 14, is, without exception, forbidden. This falls under the law against child pornography (§ 184 b StGB).

The production, possession and/or distribution of photos or videos showing sexual acts, genitalia or buttocks is also prohibited for young people between the ages of 14 and 17 – this is referred to as youth pornography (§ 184 c StGB). Impunity in the case of sexting is only granted to juveniles if the production is for personal use with the consent of the persons depicted. But beware, disseminating the pictures to other persons is a punishable offence!

Don't give sexting a chance, protect yourself and your friends. If you receive unsolicited photos or videos, do not forward them, instead just delete them and protect yourself and everyone else, even if you might not even know them.

Self Protection

Thinking about sending your partner* a nude photo/video? Then play it safe: 

Your head, personal features, e.g. tattoos and the background should not be visible! Agree together to delete the photo/video if you break up. Unfortunately, there is no absolute guarantee that your photo/video will be forwarded.